Monday, July 29, 2013

Gumdrop Dart Heads 2.0!

Shmmee and I recently co- developed a new kind of metal- free dart head. See this NerfRevolution thread for more details. Read the replies to see modifications to the design. The last post by shmmee in the thread is our latest iteration of the design.
This isn't the latest iteration- but I don't have any pics of those.  See shmmee's latest post in the thread for the most up to date design.

They're on par with slugs as far as weight, performance, and hopperability, but they are cheaper, easier/ faster to make, and they are free of any hard/ dangerous materials so they are safer than slugs. After testing them at a war, (and I'll be using them at a war this Saturday), I've decided that I'm never going to make slugs again.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

RainBow Pump!

Hey guys, I ended up not posting nearly as much as I wanted to this summer. I've been working on stuff like crazy, but I end up being too lazy/ forgetting to post here after I post on the NMW facebook page , Nerfrevolution, and Nerfhaven. (Mostly picture threads since I've been using other peoples' designs and mods).

Also, the Youtube videos thing didn't work out. I filmed a couple, but there were issues with quality, editing, and you guessed it... laziness. I will be trying to post more from now on. Anyway, if you haven't seen this on NMW, Nrev, or NH, here you go:

Standard RainBow Pump. Though I did modify the design so I didn't have to make another McMaster order. No clear pvc or internal coupler. Standard full compression k26, 6.5" draw homemade. Seal isn't great, because I used a plunger head that I built like a year ago when I didn't know what I was doing. Gets 90-100' flat. (Haven't measured angled ranges). I used it at a war about a week ago, and it worked very well.

Also, I didn't mention it in a post, but I mentioned to some people that follow this blog that I was building a BullPump. This failed, so I built a RainBow PAC instead. I'll post about that soon. I'll be getting the parts to build a Latex Tubing (ish) Blaster tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!