Sunday, June 30, 2013

RainBow Pullbacks!

I basically decided to make a couple snapbow MK-V's with rainbow catches instead of clothespin triggers because I really don't like CPT's as I've mentioned before. I don't have a scroll saw or a drill press, but I still think they turned out quite nicely. They were my first blaster paint jobs as well so I'm quite proud of them. Shoots lazers. (standard NIC primary ranges)

I actually just finished my first RainBow pump, so I'll post about that at some point in the future. Shmee (Nerfer that lives in my area) and I developed a new type of metal- free dart  as well, so I'll post that soon as well. Also, thanks to NerfModNation for posting a pic of  my RainBow pump! He's got an awesome blog, so go check it out!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Nerf Centurion! Aaaaaaaaand........It's reverse plunger...

Langley posted internal pics of the Nerf Centurion on Nerfhaven just minutes ago! It has caused quite a bit of excitement and speculation for modders and Nerf collectors alike. I'm  really not excited for it anymore, as it is reverse plunger and seems too difficult to mod for the results (unless they are better than I think they will be.)

Read about it and see internal pics here:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Overhauled Buzz Bee Big Blast!

I was hoping to have my RainBows done by now, but I went on vacation and I ended up deciding to paint them, which caused quite a bit of a delay. Hopefully I'll be able to post about those in the next week. 

In the meantime, I found some pics of a 4B that I thrifted and overhauled over thanksgiving weekend- about 8 months ago :P I overhauled it the way Broken_SVT does it in his writeup. I haven't range tested it, but it shoots lazers (High end NIC primary ranges). I liked this method of modding it because it leaves the original OPRV intact, making it (probably) war- legal.

Here are some pics:

Now, I'm off to work on my RainBows!

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment below! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

My first homemades!

As you may have seen back in June of 2012, I posted an unfinished picture of my first homemade. I ended up finishing it a few days later, but I never got around to posting about it. I wanted to build a homemade, but I didn't want to use a clothespin trigger system as used in a SNAP, because I think they are flimsy and I just don't like the idea of a CPT. I also didn't have the advanced tools required to build something like a + bow. I was looking around for ideas for a while, but then I remembered SG Nerf's homemade (the R3L) from a couple years ago. (Link here) I then set out to build one.

He explains how everything works, but He doesn't give dimensions (besides a few sizes of metric pipe, which we can't get here in the U.S. Figuring out what dimensions of pipe to use was the hardest part. This post on Nerf Revolution helped me out a lot. It also gives instructions on how to build the catch. (I did a few things different in my version) Other than that, once you know how it works, it's not very difficult to build.
Here is a pic:

 The screws are all from my "random bin O' screws", so I can't tell you what kind they are. My second version actually has the same type of screws.
Also, the front coupler assembly is a 1/2"-3/4" bushing inside of a 3/4"- 1-1/4" bushing in a 1-1/4" coupler. These are all glued together, and just pressure fitted on to the front of the plunger tube. (The black marks are from trying to hit this assembly off with a Harbor Freight rubber mallet to maintain the plunger head.) The pressure fit is amazingly good, so I didn't have to fasten this piece on to the blaster at all.
Here are some close ups of the catch mechanism: (these are from the newer one I built in July 2012)

Side view of Trigger/ catch mechanism:
(there is a notch in the plunger rod that the catch ring gets pushed into)

 Here is a picture of the newer and cleaner one I just built. It operates a lot smoother, and performs a lot better. (Actually bought screws for this one)

I will update this post with more explanations and pictures if they are requested. I just don't want to give a complete tutorial because it would be extremely difficult and time consuming.

Several people have already asked for a parts list, but I lost my original one, and I'm too lazy to make a new one. My first one (with the random screws) is still in operation as of June 2013, but the second one had some mechanical failures that were not worth fixing. These blasters can work very well if made very precisely, but they do have some very weak points. It's also more difficult for us here in the states, because our PVC pipes don't nest perfectly together like the ones in Singapore where this design was developed. For this reason, I intend to build a RainBow in the next month. It may be difficult since I don't own a scroll saw or a drill press, but I feel like I am a fairly good machinist for the experience I have with homemades, and I hope it will work well.

As always, feel free to leave comments/ questions below!

Summer Vacation is Upon Us!

Summer vacation is almost here for me, (and probably already for some of you). I've got quite a few plans for projects that I will be posting about this summer! I'm really excited to be modding again after my usual winter hiatus! 

Let me know in the comments what blasters/ projects you intend to buy/ work on this summer!