Thursday, November 24, 2011

Random updates

First of all, expect a post on my modified (vintage) Nerf Supermaxx 1500 sometime in the next three days. All of the mods are finished, exept I need to go to lowes tomorrow and get some CPVC for the barrels. Also, sometime in the next couple weeks I may post a review of the Nerf Supermaxx 3000.

Also, If you haven't gone to a thrift store lately, I would recommend going. For about the last 2 months, I have been going every chance I get, to look for Nerf blasters. I don't usually find much, just the occasional maverick. But yesterday, I found a Titan for 2 dollars, and a  Vintage supermaxx 1500 for 1 dollar! I also found a vintage AT3K (Air Tech 3000) for a dollar fifty, but it was broken (I now regret not getting it anyway, because I could've used the air tank)

Also, if you like my blog, please tell others. I want to get and keep this blog going strong! And if you have any comments and/ or suggestions, please email me at ne rf h erd erb lo g(at) gm a il (dot) c o m! I'm also thinking of changing this blog's name, so please leave suggestions! (email address is without spaces to prevent spam bots)

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