Monday, April 2, 2012

Nerf N- Strike Elite Retaliator + rant

Nerf has just unveiled the new N-Strike Elite Retaliator  on their facebook page!
Looks cool but very familiar...
It's pretty much a Blue Recon with a new stock, a 12 dart clip,and an "assault grip" (as the video called it). I think that the new color/ accessories look cool and the ranges are cool (hopefully good modding potential for even better ranges). It does annoy me however, that Hasbro hasn't really come up with anything new (besides vortex) in a really long time. They recolor their blasters, and now they're doing the same thing, along with new ranges and accessories. I'm also mad at hasbro for shutting down Urban Taggers. Will I buy these elite blasters eventually? Yes. But not until Hasbro cuts the shit. I'm not saying that the repaints aren't cool. But they need to release new designs while they are doing repaints. They're starting to do the same thing with Vortex too. The Lumitron is just a recolored, glow in the dark Praxis. The Upcoming Pyragon is just a praxis with a different grip and slam fire.
Here is the official video for the Retaliator from Nerf's Youtube channel:

Sorry if my rant is disorganized, I just needed to vent some of that out. :P
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  1. Jerm just posted pics of the other elite series, check it out!

  2. Yep! I'm going to post about that in a minute!
