Hey guys, I ended up not posting nearly as much as I wanted to this summer. I've been working on stuff like crazy, but I end up being too lazy/ forgetting to post here after I post on the
NMW facebook page ,
Nerfrevolution, and
Nerfhaven. (Mostly picture threads since I've been using other peoples' designs and mods).
Also, the Youtube videos thing didn't work out. I filmed a couple, but there were issues with quality, editing, and you guessed it... laziness. I will be trying to post more from now on. Anyway, if you haven't seen this on NMW, Nrev, or NH, here you go:
Standard RainBow Pump. Though I did modify the design so I didn't have to make another McMaster order. No clear pvc or internal coupler. Standard full compression k26, 6.5" draw homemade. Seal isn't great, because I used a plunger head that I built like a year ago when I didn't know what I was doing. Gets 90-100' flat. (Haven't measured angled ranges). I used it at a war about a week ago, and it worked very well.
Also, I didn't mention it in a post, but I mentioned to some people that follow this blog that I was building a BullPump. This failed, so I built a RainBow PAC instead. I'll post about that soon. I'll be getting the parts to build a Latex Tubing (ish) Blaster tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!