Hey guys, (all 10 of you :P) I obviously haven't posted anything since June, and I apologize for that. I modded and went to wars all summer, but most of the projects I did ended up in failure, and others were simply too difficult and time consuming to document properly for a blog post. I also haven't modded much since we stopped having wars, because that's what I do 99% of my modding for at this point. I have been working on some things in the last couple days, and I will at least try to do overview posts of mods that I do so I can answer any questions anyone may have about the blasters. I'm really busy with school, but I will try to post at least every 1-2 weeks. My next post will probably be an overview of my first home- mades, and most likely a parts list for them because several people away from this blog have asked for them.
Also, I've been wondering if this blog is actually useful to anyone. I have 10 known followers right now, and I get comments on most of my posts, but I was wondering if you guys think I should keep going with this blog or not. Please comment below. (As always, suggestions/ constructive criticism for this blog are also welcome)